Individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID) have low ability to consult and obtain health information, and use the information they have acquired, because of their literacy skills and communicative and cognitive limitations (WHO, 2011).
Being a disadvantaged group in accessing services and their limitations in using health resources make them a special and priority group in the field of health care.
With this project, individuals with ID will improve self-responsibility about their own health. In order to do that, a higher education curriculum including distance and face-to-face education practices for special education teaching undergraduate program students (SET) will be prepared. The project will contribute to reduce the effects of potential barriers which are related to “disabilities and health problems” under the title of “Inclusion and Diversity” of the Erasmus+ KA220 program.
In order to achieve the objectives, set in the curriculum, two different modules which are face-to-face, and online will be developed. The online version of the module will contribute to the strategy “fostering both basic and advanced digital skills”under the title of “Addressing digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience, and capacity” of the Erasmus+ KA220 program. These two modules will also contribute for the greater use of information, communication and technology tools, and e-learning in Europe and beyond.
The main target group of the project are SET in the partner countries, specifically interacted during the project practice.
In addition, a group of participants consisting of academicians, special education teachers from each country, and stakeholders working directly or indirectly in the field of HP and HP will also participate in the implementation of the project.
Multiplier events will be held with participants consisting of SET, public health workers, and other stakeholders in order to inform about the project outputs, consult opinions and disseminate the results. In this way, universities in the EU region and the Non-EU Program Countries category will be informed about the project outputs.
Employees of partner organizations will actively participate in project activities. In addition, the project website will be used to reach people.